Licensing Lawyer​

The Professional Licensing Lawyer in Penang, Malaysia
Provides Advice on Licensing Agreements & Ensures Enforceability

Why Chung Chambers

Our Licensing Lawyers are the Right Choice
for Your Business Need

Legal Firm Which Protects Your Interest & Provides Advice That’s Tailored for Your Business

Chung Chambers is a legal firm in Penang, Malaysia that specialises in Intellectual Property Protection. The founder, Ms Patricia Chung, is a practising lawyer and also a qualified Licensed/Registered Intellectual Property Agent admitted by MyIPO.

With the vast experience and successful cases that we have had in the IP practice, we are capable of providing consultations that fit your particular business needs.

Step By Step Guidance From Experienced Licensing Lawyers​

Our licensing lawyers will guide you through step by step from initial advice, drafting of term sheet for the negotiation process, inputs throughout the process until we reach the final licensing agreement. In some situations when an agreement cannot be reached due to certain terms, we would provide appropriate advice on case to case basis.​

Well Versed in Licensing Law, Capable of Handling Dispute Resolution

Sometimes, licensing can also be a way of resolving disputes that arise from trademark, copyright or patent. If you sue someone for infringing your Intellectual property or vice versa, the resolution for it usually involves a license, where both parties negotiate to reach a licensing agreement. With practical industrial experience in a full range of Intellectual Properties Protection, we are capable of handling such dispute cases too.​

Make Sure Critical Terms are Included & High Risk Terms are Excluded.

To create a comprehensive licensing agreement that is enforceable, you would need to consider certain terms to be included in the agreement.

An experienced licensing lawyer can help you to determine what terms are important to your business and pinpoint critical terms. This is very crucial in the agreement drafting process. Of course, you would want to avoid certain high risk terms in your agreement.

Lack of Resources to Expand Your Business? Consider Licensing Your Intellectual Property

Thinking of growing your business but do not have the manpower and resources to do so? You may want to consider licensing your business. That way, you can expand your brand name through the use of other people’s resources.

Licensing a patent, trademark, or copyright is similar to letting or leasing real estate. A license gives the receiving parties (the licensee) the right to use the patent, trademark or copyright in accordance to certain limitations tag in with the license, in return for a fee.

Whether you are big or small
Consider Licensing Your Intellectual Property

A wrong word or structure chosen may lead to major impact on business. It does not matter if you are currently a small or medium-sized enterprise or a big corporation, you would agree that your business has a need to make numerous corporate and commercial agreements between various other companies and parties continuosly.

Gosh…I Have to Pay The Expensive Licensing Fees, Is It Worth It?

Unsure Whether The Terms in Your Licensing Agreement Are Fair Enough?

Let a Licensing Lawyer Pinpoint the Critical Terms to You!

Let Us Clear Your Doubts Related to Licensing

Sometimes, business owners are quite sceptical if they should take up the licensing proposal and become a licensee. 

The key advantage of licensing is being able to use an established brand name as a start for your business.

If you are wondering if certain terms in your licensing agreement possess any huge risk to you, don’t hesitate to consult the Licensing Lawyer.